Payout information



Last Update há 3 anos

Earnings are paid out every Friday, make sure you have your payout information setup prior to the next payout to ensure you're paid on payday.

We currently payout via Paypal, via Goods & Services. To set your Paypal address click on the "Payouts" tab on your agent dashboard, then the "Configure" button under "Set payout account".

We're looking to add direct deposit & more payout options in the future to help reduce fees, so keep an eye out!

Note: Any open disputes by your customers will be withheld from payouts until the issue is resolved.

We highly recommend documenting your deliveries, this is as simple as taking a couple screen shots showing the items being picked up by your customer (for item orders), or the completion screen (for carry orders).

In the instance that there's an issue, we will request proof of delivery from you.

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